Garmin Transponder GTX320A with Tray

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Current Price: 549.00 USD

The panel-mounted GTX 320A is a low cost, dependable, pilot-friendly Mode C transponder.

Like all Garmin transponders, the IFR-certified GTX 320A features a solid state design, and with no warm up time, lower power consumption and much lower heat emissions, you’ll enjoy a longer service life.

Garmin Transponder GTX320A with Tray Garmin Transponder GTX320A with Tray Garmin Transponder GTX320A with Tray
Garmin Transponder GTX320A with Tray Garmin Transponder GTX320A with Tray Garmin Transponder GTX320A with Tray
Garmin Transponder GTX320A with Tray

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