Used Autopilot Parts for sale on eBay
Item Description Current Price
STEC Trim Warning PN: 01240 Code: DSTEC Trim Warning PN: 01240 Code: D300.00
Cessna 402C S-Tec Autopilot Mounting Bracket SetCessna 402C S-Tec Autopilot Mounting Bracket Set140.00
Cessna ARC Navomatic 300A Service manual AF-395ACessna ARC Navomatic 300A Service manual AF-395A140.28
1954493-2  Bendix Auto Pilot - Control Computer1954493-2 Bendix Auto Pilot - Control Computer1,600.00
1954492-4  Bendix Auto Pilot - Control Command1954492-4 Bendix Auto Pilot - Control Command1,600.00
31000000, 30000000 Trio Avionics Pro Auto Pilot System with STC31000000, 30000000 Trio Avionics Pro Auto Pilot System with STC1,764.00
Mooney M20K Autopilot Mounting Bracket SetMooney M20K Autopilot Mounting Bracket Set84.00
065-0052-04 King Radio KS-179 Autopilot Trim Servo Assembly065-0052-04 King Radio KS-179 Autopilot Trim Servo Assembly840.00
0106-15-R9 S-Tec Autopilot Roll Servo with Mount (Core)0106-15-R9 S-Tec Autopilot Roll Servo with Mount (Core)224.00
Gates Learjet E 128 Autopilot Box w/ Mounting Tray PN 2418208-7, 2418208Gates Learjet E 128 Autopilot Box w/ Mounting Tray PN 2418208-7, 2418208311.95
Rockwell 700 Autopilot Servo Bracket Set AssemblyRockwell 700 Autopilot Servo Bracket Set Assembly336.00
Century III Autopilot Controller (Volts: 28) (Cracked Trim Indicator)Century III Autopilot Controller (Volts: 28) (Cracked Trim Indicator)476.00
EDO AIRE ARTIFICIAl HORIZON with autopilot pickoffEDO AIRE ARTIFICIAl HORIZON with autopilot pickoff599.00
0109 S-Tec Autopilot Roll Computer (28V)0109 S-Tec Autopilot Roll Computer (28V)1,428.00
100-631-2001 Kodiak 100 Autopilot Servo Connector Bracket100-631-2001 Kodiak 100 Autopilot Servo Connector Bracket84.00
EDO-AIRE Autopilot Relay P/N 1B440-2EDO-AIRE Autopilot Relay P/N 1B440-275.00
1C784-880 Edo-Aire Autopilot Servo Assembly1C784-880 Edo-Aire Autopilot Servo Assembly252.00
Motorola Autopilot Servo Motor P/N 717694-04Motorola Autopilot Servo Motor P/N 717694-04237.60
Edo-Aire Mitchell 1C388-2 Autopilot Radio CouplerEdo-Aire Mitchell 1C388-2 Autopilot Radio Coupler695.00
1B440 Edo-Aire Autopilot Relay Box1B440 Edo-Aire Autopilot Relay Box33.60
Jet Challenger CL 600 Autopilot Controller 1982 4018639-904Jet Challenger CL 600 Autopilot Controller 1982 4018639-904799.00
11900-30 (Alt: 11971) Brittain Autopilot Turn and Bank Indicator11900-30 (Alt: 11971) Brittain Autopilot Turn and Bank Indicator252.00
KA-57 Autopilot Adapter w/connector - P/N 071-0017-00KA-57 Autopilot Adapter w/connector - P/N 071-0017-0075.00
S-TEC attitude gyro 504-0027-901 28v 6413-28L with flight director computer 0119S-TEC attitude gyro 504-0027-901 28v 6413-28L with flight director computer 0119550.00
S-tec System 60-2 Autopilot Schematic, Installation Wiring Interconnect.S-tec System 60-2 Autopilot Schematic, Installation Wiring Interconnect.98.53
Edo air autopilot glideslope coupler P/N c493Edo air autopilot glideslope coupler P/N c49325.00
 Mitchell President Autopilot Pilot's Operating Manual Mitchell President Autopilot Pilot's Operating Manual48.56
STEC Flux Detector 6446, GuaranteedSTEC Flux Detector 6446, Guaranteed495.00
STEC ST-901 GPSS Roll Steering Converter with Form 1 PN: 3976, GuaranteedSTEC ST-901 GPSS Roll Steering Converter with Form 1 PN: 3976, Guaranteed595.00
STEC Annunciator 01188-4P, GuaranteedSTEC Annunciator 01188-4P, Guaranteed495.00