Ameri-King Cable Adapter from Encoder to Transponder/GPS/Air Data Computer, etc.

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Current Price: 20.00 USD

This 2 to 1 Adapter for DB15 type connections is "new/old stock". It has never been used although the plastic package has been opened.  The cable is intended to allow connection between a single encoder (aviation) and two other devices.  The single-end plug is configured as "male" (male pins), and the two receiving connections are "female" (female pins).  Each end has been fitted with "gender-changing adapters" which, as implied, result in the single end being female and the double ends being male.  These mini-adapters can be easily removed to revert to the original configuration resulting in complete interchangeability for your equipment.
Ameri-King Cable Adapter from Encoder to Transponder/GPS/Air Data Computer, etc. Ameri-King Cable Adapter from Encoder to Transponder/GPS/Air Data Computer, etc.

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