Gramin GNS430 Non-WAAS 28V ONLY

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Current Price: 2,600.00 USD

Selling a Garmin GNS 430 Non-Wass 28V Unit. P/N 011-00280-00
Was working when removed. Removed from Cessna 180 for avionics upgrade,
Comes with tray and back plate (not pictured)
My loss is your gain. Long story short, I did not do my research and purchased this 430 for my 14v bonanza before learning some 430's aren't duel voltage.

Gramin GNS430 Non-WAAS 28V ONLY Gramin GNS430 Non-WAAS 28V ONLY Gramin GNS430 Non-WAAS 28V ONLY
Gramin GNS430 Non-WAAS 28V ONLY Gramin GNS430 Non-WAAS 28V ONLY Gramin GNS430 Non-WAAS 28V ONLY
Gramin GNS430 Non-WAAS 28V ONLY Gramin GNS430 Non-WAAS 28V ONLY

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