Bendix King KFC 200 Autopilot, used, working when removed

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Current Price: 6,000.00 USD

Used Bendix King KFC 200 autopilot with yaw. Aircraft had TXI heading system NOT KI 256/KI 525 Unit is sold as removed. Worked as removed from a 1980 Beechcraft Baron 58. All brackets, and cable clamps included. 

KC 295 Flight Computer
P/N: 065-0034-00

KG 257 Rate Gyro
P/N: 071-4027-02

KC 290 Mode Controller
P/N: 065-0033-00

KC 291 Yaw Controller
P/N: 065-0035-01

KC 296 Yaw Computer
P/N: 065-0036-00

KA 285 Annunciator Panel
P/N: 065-0032-01

KS 271A Roll Servo
P/N: 065-0060-00

KS 270 Pitch Servo
P/N: 065-0022-01

KS 272 Trim Servo
P/N: 065-0029-04

KS 271 Yaw Servo
P/N: 065-0028-00

Bendix King KFC 200 Autopilot, used, working when removed Bendix King KFC 200 Autopilot, used, working when removed Bendix King KFC 200 Autopilot, used, working when removed
Bendix King KFC 200 Autopilot, used, working when removed

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