Garmin 011-01064-40 GNS 530W GPS/NAV/COM 14/28 VDC (Repaired)

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Current Price: 5,995.00 USD

This is a repaired model with a 8130 from Bevan Aviation, Inc. 
Garmin 011-01064-40 GNS 530W GPS/NAV/COM 14/28 VDC  (Repaired) Garmin 011-01064-40 GNS 530W GPS/NAV/COM 14/28 VDC  (Repaired) Garmin 011-01064-40 GNS 530W GPS/NAV/COM 14/28 VDC  (Repaired)
Garmin 011-01064-40 GNS 530W GPS/NAV/COM 14/28 VDC  (Repaired)

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