GARMIN GNC 300XL GPS/COMM 14 VDC P/N 011-00433-00

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Current Price: 1,550.00 USD

This GNC300XL was removed from an aircraft that underwent a major avionics and instrument panel upgrade. It was removed in a reported serviceable condition. However, there are no guarantees as to the accuracy or serviceability of this item. Therefore it is priced accordingly and will sell to the highest reasonable offer. If there was any damage or known discrepancies, they would be identified and described in the auction listing. This item may show some signs of wear due to age and use.

Item(s) pictured in this listing are the exact item(s) you will receive. I do my best to list the item as accurately as possible. If something in the listing information doesn’t match the pictures (name, model, brand, etc.), please say something before buying! I will not intentionally misrepresent the listed item, but it is possible for errors to be made in the listing.

Buyer is responsible for understanding the functionality of the item listed before purchasing. This is not a buy and try, then demand a refund because you don’t like how the original manufacturer designed/created the item and/or its operational characteristics.

This item has been visually inspected, looks good, but is sold as is. I do everything possible to include as much information as possible, but it is next to impossible for me to be able to know everything about all of the items I have listed for sale. Airworthiness and applicability to a specific aircraft or it’s component, are the responsibility of the buyer. At the least this should be considered as a repairable core, but with the high probability that there are zero defects and it is fully functional. I am legally unable to officially bench test this item and provide a serviceable tag. I can only go off of the information provided to me by the previous owner and/or the avionics technician/mechanic that removed the item. If there were any known defects or any doubt as to the serviceability of the item, I would have stated them and have them apparent in the listing pictures, or I would not list the item and have properly disposed of it. Buyer assumes all liability when they purchase this item and is responsible for verifying it’s airworthiness before installing and using this item.

Warning to purchasers/recipients: The used aircraft part(s) you are purchasing or receiving, may not be in compliance with applicable Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) requirements. You are solely responsible for bringing the aircraft into compliance with 14 CFR, or other applicable standards, by obtaining all necessary FAA inspections or modifications as required. Please ask your questions before purchasing. I try my best to present all items as accurately as possible.

Buyer is to make the final determination of airworthiness and suitability of the item. Buyer is to verify the applicability and accuracy of the listed item as it pertains to the installation and assumes all liability if installed without being inspected first.

If there is a discrepancy in the item, you feel it’s not as stated in the listing or damage was caused during shipping, please contact me directly and allow me the chance to help resolve any issues before leaving feedback.

No refund will be given for items that are improperly handled and/or installed incorrectly and damaged by the buyer or their agent(s). It is the responsibility of the individual handling and installing this item to follow the manufacturer's installation instructions and warnings. Any deviation from those instructions and warnings that results in damage to this equipment does not constitute conditions for a refund. Any buyer trying to misuse eBay’s return policy will be reported to eBay for fraud.

Some items may have software and databases that require updating. The updating of the software and any applicable databases will be up to the purchaser to complete. Outdated databases or software do not warrant a return.

If it is determined a refund is warranted, the buyer is responsible for return shipping charges, including applicable insurance. Additionally, the refund, if any, will be less any expenses incurred during the transaction including but not limited to eBay fees and shipping charges the seller has paid for during the process. After 90 days of sale, no refunds will be given. No refunds will ever be given outside of eBay.

Free local pickup. I try to process items for shipping immediately, the same day items are paid for. I almost always (97% of the time) ship items within 24 hours of receipt of payment. However, there is a very unlikely chance it could ship up to 2 days after receipt of payment. Any handling times in excess of 2 days will be accompanied by having a time away notice with eBay.

Shipping charges are what they are. I do not make money off of shipping charges. If any damage occurs to the item during shipment, please contact us immediately. Retain all shipping cartons/packaging. Please do not buy an item, then demand I remove or refund shipping charges and request other shipping arrangements not offered in this listing. International shipping charges are set by eBay and are out of my control. If you buy internationally, expect eBay to easily double or triple my listed shipping prices. Again, international shipping charges by eBay are out of my control.

This item is listed for sale locally and on other sites. I reserve the right to cancel this listing if this item is sold elsewhere.

Keep an eye out for future parts listing as I have an assortment of aircraft instruments and avionics that I continually list, mainly removed from Cessna and Beechcraft to include factory original parts and some other parts from EDO-AIRE, Narco, S-Tec, Bendix/King, Aspen, Electronics International, Whelen, JPI, Garmin and Collins.

GARMIN GNC 300XL GPS/COMM 14 VDC P/N 011-00433-00 GARMIN GNC 300XL GPS/COMM 14 VDC P/N 011-00433-00 GARMIN GNC 300XL GPS/COMM 14 VDC P/N 011-00433-00
GARMIN GNC 300XL GPS/COMM 14 VDC P/N 011-00433-00 GARMIN GNC 300XL GPS/COMM 14 VDC P/N 011-00433-00 GARMIN GNC 300XL GPS/COMM 14 VDC P/N 011-00433-00
GARMIN GNC 300XL GPS/COMM 14 VDC P/N 011-00433-00 GARMIN GNC 300XL GPS/COMM 14 VDC P/N 011-00433-00 GARMIN GNC 300XL GPS/COMM 14 VDC P/N 011-00433-00
GARMIN GNC 300XL GPS/COMM 14 VDC P/N 011-00433-00 GARMIN GNC 300XL GPS/COMM 14 VDC P/N 011-00433-00

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