Bendix-King KX-155, 14V W/GS NAV/COM - Part Number: 069-1024-42

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Current Price: 2,500.00 USD

Was in our C-172 - removed by a Garmin dealer for new panel installation.

The Bendix-King KX-155 is a 14V NAV/COM with GS capability. The product is manufactured by Bendix King and has a part number of 069-1024-42. It comes with no warranty and is suitable for use in aviation. The product is designed to be used as a navigation and communication system in aircraft.

Bendix-King KX-155, 14V W/GS NAV/COM - Part Number: 069-1024-42 Bendix-King KX-155, 14V W/GS NAV/COM - Part Number: 069-1024-42 Bendix-King KX-155, 14V W/GS NAV/COM - Part Number: 069-1024-42

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