KMA24H PN 066-1055-71Click here to purchase or contact the seller of this item on eBay |
Current Price: 636.53 USD |
- Compact, fully solid-state unit containing pushbutton audio selector panel with seperate speaker and headphone isolation amplifiers
- Styled to match with the other King Silver Crown units but can be integrated into any 500 ohm output audio system
- Provides interphone communication including five microphone audio inputs for up to five intercom stations to meet crew member helicopter and fixed wing needs
- Designed for use in both single and dual audio panel installations
- Can handle as many three transceivers and six receivers
- Has two unswitched inputs for use as altimeter warning and telephone ringer
- Has speaker outputs for ramp hailer and passenger address or intercom
- PA mute provided to mute passenger background music systems when a microphone is keyed
- Similar to KMA-24 but DOES NOT include marker beacon presentation and DOES include intercom functions/controls
- 14V or 28VDC operation
- TSO'd
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