Garmin G106a Indicator

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Current Price: 1,600.00 USD

Greetings, my name is Rudy I am an Avionics Master technician I’m located at the Miami Executive Airport in South Florida. I am an A&P Certified Mechanic with over 15 years of experience. We specialize in pre-fabricated harnesses for a variety of Garmin and Avidyne radios such as GMA340 audio panel, GNS430W, GNS530W, GTN650, GTN750, G600, GarminG5s, GarminG3X, GTX327, GTX330, GTX335, GTX345, etc. I fabricate by hand most wiring harnesses with any necessary interface required to fit your aircraft needs. All of my wiring equipment is aviation grade mil spec and the wires are professionally fabricated plus tested before installations. All wiring harnesses are handmade to perfection.

If you already have the installation kit and/or connectors for the equipment you wish to install, prices will vary, please contact me directly at (305)972-3550. Thank you.

Beware of other sellers on eBay trying to imitate our work that is not us there using cheap materials and quality is unmatched


For more information on radios not listed above, contact me directly at (305)972-3550.

Garmin G106a Indicator

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