uAvionix SkyBeacon Fairing 301 Port Adapter for Wingtip UAV-1002301-001 - Left

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Current Price: 95.00 USD

SkyBeacon Adaptive Fairing, Left

This adapter left-hand (port) (UAV-1002301-001) allows installation of the SkyBeacon TSO on the following Cessna aircraft. Please note the following list assumes the factory wingtip configuration.
  • 150L, 150M
  • 152
  • 175C
  • 180G, 180H
  • 182F, 182G, 182H, 182J, 182K, 182L, 182M, 182N
  • 185, 185A, 185B, 185C, 185D, 185E, A185F
  • P206E, U206E
Note: Per uAvionix, since these adapters are universal they may not be an exact fit. They must be trimmed in order to fit correctly.

Comes in the original box with Certificate of Conformance, as shown.

uAvionix SkyBeacon Fairing 301 Port Adapter for Wingtip UAV-1002301-001 - Left uAvionix SkyBeacon Fairing 301 Port Adapter for Wingtip UAV-1002301-001 - Left uAvionix SkyBeacon Fairing 301 Port Adapter for Wingtip UAV-1002301-001 - Left
uAvionix SkyBeacon Fairing 301 Port Adapter for Wingtip UAV-1002301-001 - Left uAvionix SkyBeacon Fairing 301 Port Adapter for Wingtip UAV-1002301-001 - Left uAvionix SkyBeacon Fairing 301 Port Adapter for Wingtip UAV-1002301-001 - Left
uAvionix SkyBeacon Fairing 301 Port Adapter for Wingtip UAV-1002301-001 - Left uAvionix SkyBeacon Fairing 301 Port Adapter for Wingtip UAV-1002301-001 - Left uAvionix SkyBeacon Fairing 301 Port Adapter for Wingtip UAV-1002301-001 - Left
uAvionix SkyBeacon Fairing 301 Port Adapter for Wingtip UAV-1002301-001 - Left uAvionix SkyBeacon Fairing 301 Port Adapter for Wingtip UAV-1002301-001 - Left

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