NEW Cessna 182T Turbo G1000 (2006+) Qref Book Aircraft Procedure ChecklistClick here to purchase or contact the seller of this item on eBay |
Current Price: 29.95 USD |
Take your already-razor-sharp knowledge and skill of the G1000-equipped Turbo Skylane to a whole new flight level with this one-of-a-kind Qref checklist that covers the ins & outs of Garmin's paradigm-shifting G1000 system as it applies to the Turbo CE-182T - though, to be fair, calling a Qref publication a "checklist" doesn't even begin to do it justice. In fact, a Qref booklet is more like a full-color, comprehensive, redesigned, user-friendly, streamlined, upgraded & updated POH/PIM/AFM on steroids. Whereas most manufacturer-produced checklists do follow a logical, streamlined format, at times their setup can be a bit sparse on both nice-to-know and need-to-know info. Furthermore, aircraft flight manuals (AFMs) contain a host of valuable data, though it's often difficult to track down exactly what you're after - in spite of their industry-wide standardization. With this unparalleled treasure trove of turbo-powered Skylane Model T-specific parameters - including all the ins & outs of the G1000 glass cockpit - Qref cuts through the confusion and eliminates the verbiage so you'll always know exactly where your sought-after info awaits.
In addition to providing logically organized, easy-to-follow checklists for every conceivable aspect of operation from preflight to shutdown/tiedown - including emergencies - this Qref publication brings users a wealth of additional data unique to the G-1000-equipped CE-T182T variant: power settings/performance parameters, conversion tables, ALL V-speeds, weight & balance info, operating limitations, G1000 buttonology, systems specifics, and even rulers for a variety of common aeronautical chart scales. Plus, its tabbed, spiral-bound pages are all printed in stunning, 2400 DPI color on virtually indestructible pages! Measures a kneeboard-friendly 4ΒΌ" x 7" and covers all T182T G1000 production years (2006+). The absolute best publication on glass-equipped Skylane operation ever produced. A compact, info-rich resource on the Cessna T182T that will propel your situational awareness and operational proficiency into the stratosphere.
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