NEW Garmin GDL 52 Portable SiriusXM, AHRS, ADS-B ReceiverClick here to purchase or contact the seller of this item on eBay |
Current Price: 1,290.00 USD |
Aviation technology is ever-changing, and the electronics landscape that is supported by satellite technology is growing by leaps and bounds. One of the most exciting developments is the advent of ADS-B (automatic dependent surveillance-broadcast). With ADS-B "out," aircraft can transmit their GPS position to ATC and other aircraft, making the airspace safer for everyone. If you are flying with an ADS-B receiver, like the Garmin GDL 52, you can use it to view the position of ADS-B "out" equipped aircraft. ADS-B helps you avoid traffic and see threats earlier, and it is the basis upon which the FAA's NextGen airspace will be built.
The Garmin GDL 52 Portable SiriusXM/ADS-B Receiver is your easy way into the ADS-B and SiriusXM universe. This compact and easily transportable unit fits in any flight bag and sets up in seconds, since it can connect wirelessly to a wide variety of portable Garmin and iPad products (including the Garmin aera 650, 795, and 796 series GPS receivers). Since the GDL 52 can receive ADS-B signals, you can see the position of ADS-B equipped aircraft right on your Garmin or iPad with the Garmin Pilot app. Keeping up with the weather is no problem when you have the Garmin GDL 52; you can purchase a weather package from SiriusXM or get subscription-free access to the U.S. FIS-B service that is tied to the ADS-B framework. Getting NEXRAD radar images, METARS, TAFS, winds aloft, turbulence charts, and satellite imagery in your cockpit has never been easier.
Since the Garmin GDL-52 also works on the SiriusXM network, you can listen to your favorite news, music, or entertainment channels while you are aloft through a wireless Bluetooth connection. The Garmin GDL-52 has a lithium-ion battery that will give you five full hours of streaming digital quality sound from any of more than 150 SiriusXM channels. The Garmin GDL 52 Portable SiriusXM/ADS-B Receiver is the perfect add-on for general aviation and homebuilt pilots, or for anyone else that values high tech portability.
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