Bendix/King CP 66B TCAS Control Panel 071-01568-01Click here to purchase or contact the seller of this item on eBay |
Current Price: 850.00 USD |
S/N 1346 As Removed. See condition in pictures.
Digital control that provides
control of CAS-66A TCAS I System
Interfaces various external discrete
inputs and supplies ARINC 429 and control signals necessary for operation of
TCAS I system
DZUS mounted
Range control (RNG) to select range
on traffic display (in nautical miles) - certain versions, see table below
Flight Level (FL) control repalces
intruder's relative altitude with absolute altitude in flight level format for
15 seconds
ABOVE/NORMAL/BELOW control selects
altitude display limits
Test (TST) switch initiates
comprehensive system self test lasting approximately 12 seconds
Standy (SBY) control places TCAS in
Power (PWR) control turns system ON
or OFF
Traffic/Weather (T/WX) switch is
used installations with radar indicators acting as traffic display to switch
between Weather Only (WX), Weather with Traffic Overlaid (T/Wx) and Traffic
Only (TCAS) modes - certain versions, see table below
AUTO/MANUAL switch is used in EFIS
installations to control TCAS display on an MFD - certain versions, see table
AUTO mode automatically displays
available traffic on MFD
MANUAL mode displays available
traffic only when TCAS is selected on EFIS controller
Lamps can be powered by either 5V or
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