Bendix King KCS-55A HSI - Complete Compass system with plugs

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Current Price: 1,754.00 USD

Bendix King KCS-55A HSI - Complete Compass system with plugs

Working Great when removed for a panel upgrade in my 1998 Mooney

KCS55A HSI P/N 066-3046-07  S/N  87234

KG102 Directional Gyro P/N 060-0015-00  S/N  42497

KA51B Slaving Compensator P/N 071-1242-06  S/N  27357

KMT112 Magnetic Azimuth Transmitter P/N 071-1052-00  S/N  42497

MD26-28 Mid Continent DC / AC Converter P/N MD26-28  S/N D99010

Bendix King KCS-55A HSI - Complete Compass system with plugs Bendix King KCS-55A HSI - Complete Compass system with plugs Bendix King KCS-55A HSI - Complete Compass system with plugs
Bendix King KCS-55A HSI - Complete Compass system with plugs Bendix King KCS-55A HSI - Complete Compass system with plugs Bendix King KCS-55A HSI - Complete Compass system with plugs
Bendix King KCS-55A HSI - Complete Compass system with plugs Bendix King KCS-55A HSI - Complete Compass system with plugs Bendix King KCS-55A HSI - Complete Compass system with plugs
Bendix King KCS-55A HSI - Complete Compass system with plugs Bendix King KCS-55A HSI - Complete Compass system with plugs Bendix King KCS-55A HSI - Complete Compass system with plugs

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