ARC Rec-Transmitter PN 41470-1028, Model RT-459A

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Current Price: 148.99 USD

Item is in As Removed condition and there is no assurance that it works. Item has not been tested, and any assessment should be done by a certified repair station. Buyer is responsible for determining airworthiness.

SN 6694

Removal tag indicates serviceable. Date is 6/6/2009.


ARC Rec-Transmitter PN 41470-1028, Model RT-459A ARC Rec-Transmitter PN 41470-1028, Model RT-459A ARC Rec-Transmitter PN 41470-1028, Model RT-459A
ARC Rec-Transmitter PN 41470-1028, Model RT-459A ARC Rec-Transmitter PN 41470-1028, Model RT-459A ARC Rec-Transmitter PN 41470-1028, Model RT-459A

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